Personalized services we provide for a flawless coat that lasts

We are here to serve you with personalized service as we understand that every project brought to us is unique! While some customers may need powder coating or FBE services, others may need to simply clean up or prep a project with sandblasting only. Either way we are here for you, to help achieve the desired finish for your project.


A new technology used as a method of removing existing powder coating, mill scale rust or any other unwanted matter on any material is called Laser Ablation or Photoablation. This method is the safest, most effective, and environmentally friendly way to remove deposited color or matter off an item. This removal is done by irradiating the item with a laser light. When this concentrated laser light hits the surface it completely ablates the existing powder/unwanted matter while leaving the surface intact. With this new technique for removal, this will dramatically cut time on preparation for your item to be coated which means we get your job done on faster turnaround. Unlike the popular sandblasting method, the pressure force on the surface is at zero. For thin items, or a material that can easily be bowed say for instance a classic car panel, less pressure is safer for your item to remain in original form. With this option we truly can accommodate any items you bring to us for coating.